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February 23rd, 2021|0 Comments

The European Commission (EC) has set up the Black Sea Assistance Mechanism (BSAM) to support the implementation of the Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea.  Specifically, BSAM will support raise awareness on the opportunities presented by the blue economy in the Black Sea region. The blue economy can contribute to the sustainable economic development of the region, particularly the coastal regions.  The main goals and related priorities of the Common Maritime Agenda, are (i) healthy marine and coastal ecosystems; (ii) competitive, innovative and sustainable blue economy for the Black Sea; and (iii) investments in the Black Sea blue economy.

The Black Sea

December 3rd, 2019|0 Comments

For decades the Black Sea has been treated as a dumping ground for agricultural and industrial waste from south eastern Europe - with things so bad that scientists considered parts of it almost entirely dead. [...]

Current projects

Project web-site

The overall objective of the project is to improve the protection of the Black Sea environment. The project is addressing the overall need for support in protection and restoring the environmental quality and sustainability of the Black Sea.

The following activities will be carried out:

  • Project Activity 1: Continue support to the implementation of the countries’ obligation under the Bucharest Convention and other related Conventions and Agreements;
  • Project Activity 2: Conducting National Pilot Monitoring Studies (NPMS);
  • Project Activity 3: Large scale implementation of training and intercomparison programmes on monitoring methods and quality assurance adhering to the ISO 17025 standard;
  • Project Activity 4: Joint Open Sea Surveys (JOSS), Implementation of the Joint Black Sea Survey Methodology along the lines of the MSFD, WFD, BSIMAP;
  • Project Activity 5: Upgrade and operate the web based Black Sea Water Quality Database;
  • Project Activity 6: Dissemination of knowledge and best practices, public awareness and visibility.

Project web-site

This project will lay the basis for cross-border cooperation in the Lower Danube region for identifying significant land-based sources of pollution, improved monitoring of them, sharing information about them, and developing a strategy for reducing or eliminating their impacts. As the three countries concerned share the Danube River as a single hydrological unit, pollution in one part can quickly impact others, so it is in the interest of all partners to cooperate closely in this project.

In addition, investment will be made in a WWT system for Vylkove in Ukraine, a major tourism destination situated in the northern part of the Danube Delta and a significant source of organic pollution in the river. The project builds on a number of previous Phare and Tacis projects that were undertaken in the region over the last 15 years as part of the wider Danube Basin Pollution Reduction Programme (now incorporated in the Danube River Protection Convention), but which were focused on the individual country concerned.